Friday, March 21, 2008

The Middle or The End?

I know it has been a long, long time since the last post. It is not that things aren't happening here. It's just a matter of finding the time and words to describe them. Michael and I often say that so much of what we see and experience here is hard/impossible to describe for those back in the States. I wish I was more gifted in the area of creative writing. I'm sure my posts then would be more frequent and fun filled. Sorry to you all!

The Middle or The End? Is April 2008 going to be the middle point of a two year adventure here or the end of our one year stay? We do not know. Some of you may be saying, "What? How could you not know? April is next month! Don't you need to know soon to make your plans for the future?" My response is this.....We are more than ready to know! April will be here before we know it. So we are attempting to make future plans for whatever happens. We are really hoping to know something definite soon!!! In the event we are not staying, we will pack up and fly back to the States for good at the end of April. We will leave here with a boat load of amazing memories, adventures, and friends. In the event we do stay, we will come back to the States for a period of a few weeks at the end of April/beginning of May. We would plan on spending some time in Alabama, Michigan, and Missouri seeing friends, family, and tying up loose ends that come about from spending another year here. Then return here for another year.

Another big question we are being asked, "What do you want to do? Go or stay?" Honestly, it depends on the day. Most of the time we truly love it here! As I have said so many times, this is an AMAZING culture, place, and people. We have a great life. We have made so many international friends. Our "world" has been made so much larger by the things we are exposed to and can reflect on. The boys are getting to have a life that not many kids get. We really feel that they are getting to see and experience things that will help them live their lives to the fullest when they are older. This is a once in a life time opportunity for us, we don't want to miss out on all the things it has to offer. But, on the flip side of the coin, we really miss a lot of things. Our family, friends, church, Krispy Kreme, family, no situations made crazy by everyone not speaking the same language, Qdoba, driving, friends, not having to pay $5 for a box of Kraft mac & cheese, our dogs, not being able to "be right there" for people in times of need, family and friends. You get the idea I'm sure. And while our experiences here are great, at times the longing and sadness I feel for the things of "home" gets pretty huge. Especially on Sundays. Which have always been a day for church, family and friends. The bottom line? Whatever God wants to happen will. We know that. And we have confidence and feel good about that. But what do we want? Overall we want to stay here. Being here is temporary. We will end up back in the States at some point. And for now, if it's His will, we want to stay here and continue to experience, enjoy, and grow from our adventures. For us and the boys.

We will try to keep anyone interested in what our plans are "in the loop." I'm assuming some of our readers are actually interested. (I think that is a safe assumption. I hope it is.) Pray for us if you will. That the answer will be from Him and come swiftly. We are ready to know!