Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I did NOT need to see that!

Our local grocery store, Carrefour, is having a a major sale. Major! On all of their clothing and stuff. They have placed these huge bins of all kinds of cloths right inside the entrance to the store. Dozens of 6 x 6 bins right as you walk in the door. Over the past week as I have gone to do some shopping I have entered to see at least a hundred people pushing, yanking, pulling shoving, etc to get to the clothes. It is also usual to see people of all genders and ages pulling on shirts, pants, shorts, underwear, and even bras over the cloths they are already wearing. It really is a riot. To see people "dressing and undressing." Wearing two pairs of shorts, a coat, with a bra on top. I have gotten several good laughs this past week with all of the activity. But this morning what I saw, well it was WAY TOO MUCH.

I enter the store, grab my cart, and head towards my first purchase. Before I make it 5 feet I am blind-sided by something I never want or need to see again! An aging Chinese man, well, let me say he came dressed to shop! Standing there, all five feet of him. Stooped over, rummaging through the his too small, dingy white boxers and a dingy white undershirt. The "boxers" more like pieces of rags we barely hanging on. And not at all sufficiently covering his, well, southern regions. Each time he reached, leaned, or stretched anyone and everyone got a wide angle view of the aging get the idea. Y'all it was horrible. And almost as bad was that no one seemed bothered by the exposure. Except me! My parting thought as I went on my way was that I hope he found himself some good bargains. Lots of bargains!!

I know you are all so upset but no pictures were made of this event. Sorry to disappoint.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Home Again

We made it! We arrived safe and sound back in Shanghai around 1:30pm on Wednesday. (Shanghai time) I have lots to say. Just not yet. I'll update the blog in a few days when I have time. We need a few days to settle back in. I'm sure you all understand. :-)