Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to the Year of the Ox

This past Sunday, was Chinese New Year's Eve. We have now entered the Year of the Ox. To celebrate, we enjoyed a nice traditional dinner of dumplings at a famous dumpling restaurant in Yu Garden with our friends Matt, Jessica, Russ and TR. Then, around 8pm, our best friends Buster & Amy came over to our place ring in the new year. We always enjoy hanging out with them, laughing and playing cards. As midnight arrived we watched an insane amount of fireworks going off all over the city. As far as you can see! I know that last year I tried to put into words how incredible it is at that moment. But words cannot describe. The sky is so bright all across the city with fireworks it looks like daytime! Right after midnight we ate some more dumplings. It is said that the number of dumplings you eat right after midnight will have a direct reflection on how prosperous you are in the new year. So just to cover all our bases, we had dumplings for dinner at 5pm. We had dumplings again right after midnight. And then we had dumplings again on new year's day. I'll let y'all know in about 364 days how all the dumpling eating worked out for us.

On Friday, LingLing (our nanny/housekeeper) made homemade dumplings for us with the "help" of Gabe, Maddox, and myself. It was messy, but the boys loved making them. These are the dumplings that we ate just after midnight.

Madd-Dog and the soon to be eaten dumpling.

Family photo time!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Brotherly Advice

Just a short bit ago Maddox was being a typical 3 year old and was acting ornery. I was sitting at the dining room table and I told him to come here to me so we could talk about his behavior. He hesitated, then just sat down on the floor and started crying saying, "I don't want to be in trouble, I don't want to be in trouble." I gave him a stern look and he did get up and come over to me. We had a little chat about acting nice then I sent him on his way. He went to sit in one of our living room chairs to pout for a few minutes. I then left the room and when I came back in a few minutes later Gabe was sitting in the chair with him and patting Maddox's head. I heard Gabe murmuring to Maddox, "I'm older Maddox and I know the best thing to do. When Mom tells you to go talk to her don't sit down and cry on the floor. Just hurry to her, listen to her, look REALLY, SUPER, REALLY sad, say sorry even if you are not sorry, and then you can walk away and come play with me! It's MUCH, MUCH better!"

Michael and I have prayed so many times that our boys would have a loving brotherly relationship, be best friends and that Gabe would be a good older brother. I'm just not sure this is what we meant by that! I hope Gabe's older brother advice improves over the years. Actually, not that this wasn't good advice. It was! Just not the kind I had in mind.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I thought I would update the blog with our latest.

Michael: Pain! If one word can sum up Michael's current state of being, it's pain. For any of you who don't know, Michael is suffering serious pain from a bad back condition. And I mean SERIOUS PAIN!!! At times, he cannot move at all because the pain and discomfort are so intense. It started years ago in Michigan where he then saw a couple of different doctors about it. MRIs and x-rays were done then but at this moment I cannot remember what the exact diagnosis was. It was something like, "you have a serious back condition, but not serious enough for surgery...yet. So until then, take these pain pills, try some physical therapy, and suck it up." Ok, so that's not a direct quote but it's pretty darn close. Since moving to China his condition has deteriorated drastically. Especially in the last year. While we were in the States for Thanksgiving, he saw a chiropractor and received treatment everyday for 2 weeks straight. (In AL) This guy's diagnosis was almost completely different than the docs in MI. But he treated Michael with electroshock therapy, stretches and traction. Michael seemed better. We thought then that Michael was "not cured, but improved." The doc that maybe the relief would last for months! One week after the treatments he was in pain again, this time worse even. We didn't even think that was possible! Poor Michael!! Since returning to Shanghai, the pain has become so intense at times I think Michael will pass out from the pain. Seriously! It is now in his butt and leg as well. At the suggestion of a friend, Michael got an appointment with a doctors group here in town. For the last 2 weeks Michael has been seeing a new chiropractor and receiving treatments that consist of adjustments, at home stretches and Chinese massage. This new doc says he has been misdiagnosed by all the other docs along the way. How frustrating!!! As tired as I am of all of this, I cannot even imagine how sick of it Michael is. Thus far, he has gotten little to no relief from the new regimen of treatment. I cannot speak for Michael, but I am so very, very frustrated!! Even in his sleep he cries out and moans when he moves because of the pain. He has not yet tried accupunture. I think that is coming though. Michael would try just about anything at this point. Except popping pills. He is not a fan of taking lots of meds, unless it is absolutely necessary. I know that was a lot of confusing babble. I guess I am venting my feeling there. I am worried about my husband!

Gabe: Gabe is happy to be back at school after the long holiday break. He had a good Christmas and New Years but said, "My teachers and friends miss me. So I need to go back." I thought that was self centered cute in a 4 year old kind of way. Speaking of things Gabe says that I think are funny...Maddox got up from a nap recently and was doing his usual sleepy mutterings and said, "I want God to make me a small, just for me, that i drive, little, special truck." With a huge sighs and his 4 year old wisdom Gabe said, "Maddox, *sigh* Gooooooddd does not make trucks! *sigh* Engineers do!!!!"

Maddox: This week Madd-dog started going to "his school" on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 1/2 hours. It's a fine arts learning school that he went to some last fall. He absolutely loves it!! They do Musical Movement, Strory Smart, Arts & Crafts and Beginner Phonics classes. There are 9 kids, all around his age, in his class and 3 teachers. It's located in the ground floor of one of buildings in our apartment complex so it's very convenient. I am glad he likes it as much as he does. Within hours of Gabe being back at school this week, Maddox said, "I am boring. I need my school and kids Mom." Needless to say he was super excited on Tuesday morning when I said it was a school day for him. I hope he keeps loving it.

Me: Well, mostly I feel wrapped up in worry about Michael's back. That seems to be where most of my thoughts are recently. But I am also still plugging away at my Mandarin lessons. Which are not getting any easier. Just when I think I am starting to wrap my head around it all, I realize I am saying all of the stuff I thought was correct....wrong. I think I had some grand visions of mastering the language in the shortest period of time ever! Not happening!!!! I am getting better. At least that is what my teacher tells me. Maybe she is just saying that because weare paying her and she knows what to say to keep me happy. Haha! Actually, I know I am improving. I got in a taxi the other night and managed to have a somewhat coherent conversation with the driver. We talked about his and my names, where we are from, basketball (mostly about Yao Ming) and the cost/prices of food these days. There were moments of frustration when he seemed certain, based on the other things I understood, that I would understand everything he said. But I didn't. I am no where near fluent!!!! Overall though, it was one of my better conversations with a local. As silly as it sounds, it's those moments (a conversation with a random taxi driver) that keep me going when I get so frustrated I want to call it quits.

I will try to post a pic or two. Doubt it will work......Yea! It did!!!

The boys playing "Sequence for Kids" that was sent to them from our friends the DeKruyters in Michigan. Thanks DK's! The boys love the game.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I've been tagged..

I have been tagged by my friend Amanda to make a list of 6 things you might not know about me. Normally I don't do these things, but I will be a good friend this time. So here I go...

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. (Done, above.)
2. Post the rules on your blog. (You're reading them!)
3. Write six random things about yourself. (Look below)
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them. (Look even farther below.)
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Random Things:

1. I hate food buffets, like at restaurants. Hate them!
2. If someone had told me 15 years ago that I would be married, have 2 kids and live in China at this point in my life I would have laughed them off the planet. I guess God has me where He wants me....
3. Assuming I liked it, I could eat the same foods over and over again for months at a time without getting tired of it. Three meals a day even.
4. I am addicted to Coke & Dr. Pepper. Can't live without 'em! But it's mostly coke I consume. Dr. P is really hard to find over here. And if you find it, it costs like $4 a can! :-(
5. I hate (again the strong word, but true) e-mail and messages where I type. I would always rather talk to someone one the phone or in person. So if I don't respond to your e-mails that's why. I hate typing.
6. I secretly wish I could live outside the States in lots of different counties forever. I would miss my family and friends lots, but oh the adventures I would experience and the the stories I could tell!

I am not going to tag 6 people. But here is who I will tag...
