I started this post in the next entry down. (A First Time For Everything) So...scroll down, read the next post, and then come back to this one. Otherwise this entry won't make as much sense. Sorry, I can't figure out how to change the order of the entries.
Some of the pavilions on one of the islands in Xihu (West Lake.)

We spent our second day hiking these mountains. Hiking in the rain all day, we started at the arrow on the right and went to the arrow on the left. I have no idea how far it was (as in miles) but it wasn't just trails/paths it was lots and lots of stairs. At least more than 1000 we did. But what's really amazing is not that we (Michael and I) did that. But that Gabe did every single one of those steps by himself. That's a lot for those little legs. We were so proud of him becuase he wanted to do it!

A view of the lake and the "Melting Snow On Broken Bridge" from the mountain. Seriously, that's the name of the bridge.

Baochu Pagoda. In the distance on the top of the mountain. First built in AD 963. Amazingly the original did not contain an internal staircase. A engineering feat for something that tall. Less than halfway through our hike. A look back at the ground we had covered so far. A great view.

Chuyang Platform is just visible in the distance on the mountain hillside.

Here we are inside a park containing "Huanglong Dong" or Yellow Dragon Cave. This place is famous for its never-ending stream of water spurting from the head of a yellow dragon several meters down into a pool below.

If you look at the first picture in the "A First Time For Everything" entry you will see the nice first class waiting room at the Shanghai train station. This picture of the waiting room at the Hangzhou train station. It's not first class, it's everyone else. This room was chaos!

Well that's it for now. I have been trying for over an hour now to get more pictures into this entry but it isn't happening. And it's late, I am tired. So I am heading off to bed soon. Hope you enjoy what I was able to get posted. But before I go, there are two things I wanted to mention.
First, there is a family that we have connected with and been praying for over the last year. They live in the States. They recently lost their 3 year old daughter, Anna, to cancer. I won't take the time to go into all of the details. But please, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. Their faith in our Father has never wavered. In fact it has been stronger than most people I know, even over the last 14 months as they fought an awful fight. Thanks for your prayers!
Secondly, there is no official word still on if we are staying or going. I am getting more anxious and less patient by the hour. I feel like I keep saying this but, hopefully we will know something soon! Goodnight.