City street.
A meat stall along one city street.
Chicken before.
Chicken after.
Pigs...or what is left of them anyway. Lying of the bare floor of the restaurant just waiting to become someone's lunch.
Not sure if they were selling fans or just really worried about getting too hot.
For dinner on Sunday night my doctor recommended that we take a boat ride (about 45 minutes) to one of the small islands. Once we got there he said to just pick a direction, right or left, and walk until we found a restaurant that suited our fancy. He also said we would have some of the best seafood of our lives at whichever, quite literally, hole in the wall place we decided to eat. So, we did. It was storming really bad when we went and so the boat ride was, well, let's just say the people around us were losing their lunch. Thankfully, Michael and I don't get sea sick. So we thought the 10 foot waves slapping into the side of the boat and the boat flying up into the air and crashing down was GREAT! When we got to the island we decided to walk left. Walking slowly because of the rain, we passed many places to eat. How and why we ended up picking the one we did I don't know. Though, Michael says the fact that they were throwing out some English words, tying to tempt us in to their place, was what decided it for him. Those words consisted in their entirety of, "" Slightly concerned as to if they wanted to eat us or wanted us to eat there we braved it anyway. We ended eating along the docks (if you could call them that) sitting under a leaky tin roof with tarps for walls in what felt like 20 mile per hour winds and rain eating the best seafood of our lives! This from a girl who does not like seafood!!! As you can see from the picture below they had done a good job of making up for the bad weather with lots of lights and bright colors. Honestly, even in pain, this was some of the best fun and food I have ever had. I was having a hard time eating my deep fried spicy crabs, because of my tooth and because I have never eaten crab before. So after a few minutes of the entire wait staff of women laughing at me one of them took pity on me and came over to our table and spent the next 20 minutes getting my meat out of the shells for me...while the rest of them just stood there and laughed at me. Michael ate some scallops which he also said were the best he has ever had. This kind of thing, totally unknown adventures, is what we LOVE about living in a different culture! You never know what is going to happen.
A view of "Hong Kong Island" at night from our much less exciting boat ride back. The major storms had passed by then. :-(
Random tree. Michel and I just thought the root system was interesting. We saw several of these growing. A few were even growing on the sides of hills with the massive root system cascading down. Wish I had been able to get a pic of that.
Close up.