This past weekend Michael, Gabe and I (we decided it would be too much/too loud for Maddox) were treated with fantastic tickets to the Formula 1, Shanghai Grand Prix. Let me just say it was UNBELIEVABLE! I have a new passion!!! On Saturday Michael & Gabe went to the qualifications. Then on Sunday Michael and I went to the finals. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Gabe is infatuated with Formula 1 now as well as I. He has talked about nothing else since then!!! Formula 1 will be in Shanghai again later this summer and you can bet that we will be there!
We had spectacular seats. Dead center on the straightaway. Our seats were under an overhang which was helpful since it was raining on Sunday when Michael and I went. The rain made the racing even more exciting because of the slippery conditions. We saw so many cars sliding out of control which both terrified and enthralled me at the same time! When the cars came down the straightaway it was loud in a indescribable way. I could feel the vibrations all over my body especially in my ear drums. And that was with ear plugs in! I was worried that it might be unsettling to Gabe, all that noise. I should not have worried. He was in heaven. As was I!
Gabe was instantly enamored with the Ferrari's. Which was a smart choice considering the friends we were with were Italians. He also kept telling anyone who would listen that the McLaren cars were the "enemy cars." Hilarious! In the end it was a spectular weekend for the Red Bull team. Which Gabe says was, "Ok. If it couldn't be the Ferrari's then I am glad it was the Bulls. And NOT the 'Enemy's.'" Here are a few pictures.
Loving Formula 1!
Gabe leaning on our friend Paolo's shoulder...watching intently.
Michael & I.
Cars coming into the straightaway.