Table centerpiece. I made all of the little take out boxes myself. They were each filled with little prizes and candy for Maddox's friends to take as party favors.
"The Tang Warriors" Tang means sugar in Chinese. That is what my legion of pandas was nicknamed.
A close up.
Even more friends!
Opening the gifts with the "help" of many friends. He didn't mind the "help" at all. He is so sweet like that!
Getting more "help."
Checking out a new toy. I have to say, this one was the hit of the party. It's an electronic spider that hangs on the wall. The spider drops from its web on a string and then begins to climb back up the string to the web. And you have to shoot it with a little laser gun enough times to "kill" it before it gets to the web. I was a little unsure of what to think initially. But then I remembered, I hate spiders. So why not kill it!?! Actually, it sounds a lot worse than it is. It's really quite fun! And the kids loved it!!!
Maddox post party. I think he had finally come off the sugar high.
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