We have been spending time with friends here, old and new. Recently, we met a couple with a son Maddox's age that lived 10 minutes from us in Kalamazoo, MI. They both went to Western and we know some of the same people though we never knew each other before now. Such a small world sometimes! We really looking forward to spending more time with Chris, Becky & Carter. They love to play games as much as we do so it will be nice to have some "game buddies."
We also spend time (almost) weekly with our Dutch friends Pieter & Michele. They have 2 kiddos. Their son, Jesse (pronounced Yes-Uh) who is Gabes age and a little girl Eve (pronounced Eh-V) who is a bit younger than Maddox. They are probably Gabe and Maddox's best play buddies. They live only two apartment buildings away so we meet them often out on the playground for some fun! We always love getting together with them.
The afore mentioned buddies. Gabe, Jesse, Eve & Maddox. Getting clean after BBQ with friends.

The Boys: Gabe is still loving school and making lots of friends. He is very tired when he comes home each day and on the verge of a melt-down. But mostly the melt-downs don't materialize. And we really feel the benefits of him being there far out weigh the frustrations of a tired kid. We are glad he is so happy! And Maddox is adjusting well to being an "only" child during the days. It was tough for him initially. We enrolled him in a Fine Arts learning academy. He only goes a couple times a week but he has been having the best time in his Story Smart class and Arts and Crafts class! It is a very hands on program for the little ones. He has made some really creative large pieces of art work which he loves showing off to anyone who will look. Overall the boys are both doing fantastic!
As for me: I have been getting together weekly with my closest friend here, Amy for some prayer time. It has been such a blessing! I am amazed, though I truly shouldn't be because I know how good God is, the difference this weekly prayer time with a sister has made in my life!!! It is wonderful to have someone to regularly share my frustrations, feelings, and triumphs with that can relate as a christian woman and then pray with me. I think everyone needs that kind of person in their lives. Both men and women. I love knowing that I can share things with Michael and he will pray for me as well. But recently I have been truly feeling the blessings of Him providing a fellow sister for me to pray with. Thank you Amy!!!! In other news, I have been having a steady stream of stomach issues for the past three weeks or so. Those of you who know me well know that stomach issues are common place for me. Unfortunately, the recent problems are way, way worse than usual. So I am really praying that I will have little or even NO problems on the long flight tomorrow. That would be awful! :-(
And as for Michael: He is working harder than ever! Things are crazy around here almost always, so he is used to that. But as I am sure many of you could say about your jobs, it seems like as soon as he gets one "fire" put out another flares up. He is also having major back problems! It is really, really bad. And long periods of sitting down are absolute torture for him. I am very worried for him. Especially about the flight tomorrow. He saw several physicians in Michigan before we moved and the diagnosis was that he has a serious condition but not serious for surgery...yet. Medication gives him little relief. Though he is amazing, he never complains! But I know he is suffering. We are just not sure what to do now. Anyone have any suggestions?
Many have asked what was this presidential campaign like for us. Being out of the country and all. My answer...a blessing! Not having to deal with it as much as those of you back in the States we nice. Don't get me wrong, it got plenty of coverage here. Just on a much smaller scale. And I can say what we did get was very biased!! (Just like I hear it was in the States as well.) So, like the rest of you, we will watch, wait and pray for our new leader. And be comforted by the fact that a higher power is truly in control! I have been very comforted by this passage recently..."Praise the name of God forever and ever, for He has all the wisdom and power. He controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings." -Daniel 2:20 & 21
Finally, we leave tomorrow for our trip back to the States. My little sister is getting married in a week and a half so we are going to be there for that. Then stay trough Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to seeing everyone but NOT the 14 hour flight! So please pray if you can for all of our sanity! And perhaps for the people sitting around us as well. :-)
1 comment:
Good luck on your flight home! That is a long trip. I can't believe your sister is old enough to get married! I still picture this tiny little blonde-headed girl running around!
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