I wanted to introduce you all to our new friend Samuel. He was brought to Shanghai by a WONDERFUL organization called Baobei (check it out @ www.baobeifoundation.org) just days after birth because he was dying from several major medical conditions and had no one to care for him. Samuel has and continues to receive excellent care because of Baobei and the generous donation of one caring man. And now, we are excited to be providing a "Healing Home" for Samuel! After the Baobei babies are discharged from the hospital they are placed in homes to give them a continued to chance to heal. As you can see from the photos, he is thriving now and hopefully will continue to do so our care. Samuel has been with us for 4 days and will be with us until his is placed into his "Forever Home." Which could be for a couple months or maybe a year.
Samuel has the sweetest nature of any baby I have ever met! His "crying" is like 1/8 of the volume and intensity of our kids. He is content to lay or sit for hours and just look at his surroundings. For those who know us well, you will understand how unsettling this is for us after raising our boys! :-) We keep looking at Samuel and thinking there is something wrong with him. He is too quiet and happy. Haha! We would be glad to have Samuel with us no matter what his temperament, but having him be so content is a blessing.
Gabe & Maddox have adjusted amazingly to having Samuel here with us! They are so pleased to be helping Samuel. It touches my heart to see the tenderness and kindness they are pouring out on him. We are super excited about the opportunity to bless this little guys life. Yet, at the same time aware of all the needs he has and the concerns of providing a healing home. We trust that God will provide for us and for Samuel all that we require!
He is precious! How old is he?
Wow Jessica! This was NEWS!! He looks to be very sweet.
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